Wherever you live, we can meet the needs of your children. This past summer, we started tutoring internationally with students in Italy. Each of my tutors are offering services in different areas of Atlanta as well as other states. How can we help you? Reach out and let me know.
Laura Smith - Virtual tutoring and in-home services will be transitioning to the Ellijay, Jasper, and Blue Ridge area Contact Laura at 678-462-6152 to schedule her or any of her other tutors for one-on-one services.
Deloris Ball - 100% Virtual tutoring. Deloris has relocated to Florida and will be handling students virtually. She has the exprience and tools to help your child online.
Judi Ross - Will do face-to-face tutoring. Prefers to work in libraries or common areas when they re-open. She will be covering the Stone Mountain area for personalized tutoring.
Thank you for Luis Mendoza and Studio Mendoza for my great headshot. Check out his website.